
Friday, August 12, 2022

Using Algebra Tiles to Teach Solving Equations

How to use Algebra Tiles?

I was first introduced to algebra tiles the year I taught 6th grade math. The Texas standards had just changed and all Texas math teachers were scrambling to learn the new standards. What I had learned in 8th grade advanced math, I was now going to be teaching my 6th graders. 

8th grade math is where math got hard for me. I was very good at following steps exactly like I was told with problems exactly like the teacher showed--any variation and I was lost. Because I didn't actually understand the what, why and how behind math. It actually took me until college algebra to really understand algebra--and I was a good student! 

Algebra Tiles are great for taking an abstract concept like solving equations--and making it more concrete. Even middle school students need concrete examples--and algebra tiles are great. 

After you teach students how to use algebra tiles to solves equations and inequalities, you can use this free resource for them to practice reading the models and using them to solve. 

Images of worksheet using algebra tiles to solves two step equations and inequalities

If you aren't familiar with algebra tiles, I would definitely recommend checking them out. There are tons of videos on Youtube that can walk you through how to use them to solve equations, inequalities and integer operations. 

Solving Two Step Equations with Algebra TilesSolving One Step Equations with Algebra Tiles

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