I think I was on Pinterest last week when I saw these dots and had to have them. They are dry erase dots
about a foot in diameter and they stick to surfaces. (And can be re positioned but I haven't done that yet.)
They make my small group table pop and make it easy for me to get started in my organized mess. No more hunting down where I last laid the small whiteboards.
I have plans to organize this area of my classroom soon. There is a filing cabinet there filled with old worksheets from previous teachers that needs to go.

The reviews I read online said to not leave what you write on these dots too long or it will be harder to erase. I would also imagine that some colors won't erase to easily either.
There was three in every package and I bought two packages. I think it is my best investment in my classroom so far. I have just had the students write on the table before, but this is just more fun. They come in lots of colors! Click on the picture below to take you to amazon for all the colors.
This is my little helper in the classroom with me. With two parents who are teachers, she has a life of being in the classroom after hours.