Saturday, July 15, 2017

Classroom Procedures You Should Teach at the Beginning of the School Year

If there is one thing I have to say I focus on the first week of school, it is teaching classroom procedures. It is the most important thing I do that helps my classroom run (mostly) smooth the entire year and cuts down on classroom disruptions from a lack of communication.

When I first started teaching, I made a list of all the procedures I wanted to have. I would suggest all teachers do the same thing. Then, write out exactly what you want to happen in your classroom. I literally typed it up. I wanted to know exactly what I expected from the students and when I was going to teach it to them.

Here is a list of procedures you should be teaching in your classroom:

Entering the Classroom
Putting up Backpack/Supplies
Broken/Missing Pencil
Getting Out and Putting Up Technology
How to Glue Paper
Getting the Class' Attention
Working in Small Groups
Transition Stations
Getting Out Supplies
Exchanging Papers
Turning in Assignments
Classroom Visitor
Getting a Kleenex
Watching a Video
Classroom Phone Rings
Collecting Papers
Passing Out Papers
Grading Papers
Writing in a Planner
Restroom Breaks
Lining Up
Going to Lunch/Recess/Specials
Transitions in the Classroom
Substitute Procedures
Finishing Work Early
Exit Tickets
End of the Day Procedures

Not all of these will apply to your classroom. I DO NOT teach these all the first day/week of school. I teach them as they come up and then MODEL MODEL MODEL and PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE. And then we do it again the next day. The first two weeks of school are redundant (and repetitive) but necessary. If you think you are over teaching it, you're not!

Teaching you classroom expectations will cut down on behavior problems and class disruptions. A student may genuinely think it is perfectly acceptable to shout "My pencil broke! I need a new one!" in the middle of class and will be offended if you suggest that is not acceptable behavior. Prevent those from happening by teaching your expectations first.

If a students does deviate from the classroom expectation, a simple conversation could help them get on track. Ask them what the procedure is and ask them to please follow it. If the student continues to not follow the procedure, then use your classroom behavior plan to help the student get on track.

1 comment:

  1. Great list! Modeling and practicing each procedure is crucial! It always amazing me how you have to start from scratch in September. Simple things like "lining up" need constant modeling and practice for the little ones.


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